Wednesday, August 13, 2014

Power in Numbers: Girard Worksites Think Big !

City of Girard, Farm Bureau Financial Services, Girard Medical Center, Crawford County Sheriff Department, Heartland REC and Greenbush were all in attendance at the Girard WorkWell KS Workshop.  Each of these employers saw the role that they played in impacting not only the health of their own employees, but the community as a whole.

They also saw that there truly is strength in numbers.  Instead of being an individual organization, they are a group of organizations making progress together.

This is a concept we discuss at many of the WorkWell KS worksite workshops.  What does change look like when done together?  Are interventions such as policy and environmental changes less challenging to do if done at the same time  across multiple organizations within a community?

These are things to be thinking about as you are implementing changes.  Connect with your local WorkWell KS group to explore your options and develop the best approach for your organization and community. Check out the WorkWell KS website under the participants tab to find your local Champion.